Submit your Entry for the Programming Challenge!
UPDATE: Our server has recently done an upgrade, and our mail servers have been rejecting messages ever since. This has just come to our attention. We have provided an alternate email below. Keep it coming!!!
July 20th is coming right up!!! That means that the programming challenge will officially close, and you must submit your entry to be considered for the €1000 prize.
To submit your entry:
- Host your code on GitHub or a similar code repository, where we can get it.
- Be sure to license your code with the PeaceOSL, and put a statement in the header of each file with the author's names, a reference to the PeaceOSL, version info, etc.
- Email Link a@t Wise Earth Technology d.o.t. c o m AND Linkesh a@t g ma il d.o.t. c om
Your email should contain:
- Your name and contact information.
- Step-by-step instructions on how to set up your code on our machines. We will be testing it in a virtual machine. Be sure to answer the questions: Do we need to download third-party libraries (such as LeafletJS)? Does it run on Debian, Fedora, Slackware, or something else? What dependendencies must be satisfied? We want to give your entry the best possible chance to win.
- An explanation of how to use your software / manual. Tell us what features you have implemented, what works, and how to do things.
- The link to your code repository
Judgement Criteria
In evaluating your entry, we will look at the following:
- Look & Feel of the interface from a disaster responder's point of view.
- Documentation: setup instructions, explanation of use, comments in the code, etc.
- Code quality: input validation and sanitation, handling exceptions, is it designed to work under duress? Are there bugs?
- Resource usage: less is better
- Extendability: how hard is it to add message types (ideally this could be done by the program itself).
- Database structure
- Last but not least, how well do you address the challenge objectives?
What Happens After Submission?
Your entry will be evaluated by fellow programmers and other people associated with this project.
If your entry is very close, but not quite the winner, we will ask you to make changes that will improve your chances of winning.
If you win, we will contact you with further steps, and for your banking information.
When will we know?
The evaluation period really depends on the number of submissions. We estimate that we will finish evaluation of all the entries by September, but may extend the time if necessary. We will keep all the challenge entrants up to date by email, and by posting here.
Need a little more time?
Do you need more time? We will accept entries submitted up till the 30th of July. If you need even more time, then send us an email explaining how much time you need, and we'll balance it with the evaluation of on-time entries in the mean time.
Looking forward to your submissions!