
For Investors

Thank you for your interest!

Please contact "Link at Wise Earth Technology dot com" to get the "inside scoop".

We have a great idea, with a huge market potential, nimble business plan, and a focus on social entrepreneurship.

We've had strong interest from:

Programming Challenge

Last year, we won the International Telecom Union's Young Innovator Fellowship in the concept category. This year, we are running this challenge to build the concept into reality through open source.  €1000 will be awarded to the entry that best fulfills the challenge requirements.  Additional sub-challenges carry additional prizes!

What's Going On Here?

Wise Earth Technology plans to incorporate in the near future, and build an international social enterprise, using high technology for it's higher purpose: helping people.  Wise Earth Technology was started by Linkesh Diwan (also founder of Wise Earth Publishers, part of the Wise Earth Family).

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